Malta Training
Welcome to Malta Training Courses
Fully Regulated Qualifications
Fully Qualified & Externally Regulated
Over 25 Years Experience in UK
Leading Modern Interactive training
Delivered & Mentored by Industry Experts
Exceptional Customer Services

Training For Malta
Since 1994 the director of Paul R Salmon has been visiting the country of Malta, during this time he has made some very strong business links. He has supported Maltese citizens and businesses to develop their skills using fully regulated UK regulators that meet Maltese Government requirements. Paul is looking to further support businesses and individuals in Malta to achieve their full potential. The UK leaving the European Union is not an issue it will just make our relationship with Malta some much stronger and even special.
The benefits from us to the Maltese trade and business is as follows:
- Regulated training from England, one of the leaders in the world of regulated training and exceptional quality.
- Exclusive discounts and exceptional customer care
- Taylor made to meet their requirements.
- Industry experts
- Peace of mind the training supports their due diligence.
- Meets Malta requirements
To discuss your individual needs please call
+356 99 70 85 74
Taħriġ għal Malta
Mill-1994 id-direttur ta ’Paul R Salmon ilu jżur il-pajjiż ta’ Malta, matul dan iż-żmien għamel xi rabtiet kummerċjali qawwija ħafna. Huwa appoġġa liċ-ċittadini u n-negozji Maltin biex jiżviluppaw il-ħiliet tagħhom billi jużaw regolaturi tar-Renju Unit kompletament regolati li jissodisfaw ir-rekwiżiti tal-Gvern Malti. Paul qed ifittex li jappoġġja aktar in-negozji u l-individwi f’Malta biex jiksbu l-potenzjal sħiħ tagħhom. Ir-Renju Unit li jitlaq mill-Unjoni Ewropea mhuwiex kwistjoni iżda se jagħmel ir-relazzjoni tagħna ma ‘Malta ferm iktar b’saħħitha u saħansitra speċjali. Il-benefiċċji minna għall-kummerċ u n-negozju Malti huma kif ġej: Taħriġ regolat mill-Ingilterra, wieħed mill-mexxejja fid-dinja ta ‘taħriġ regolat u kwalità eċċezzjonali. Skontijiet esklussivi u customer care eċċezzjonali Taylor għamel biex jissodisfa r-rekwiżiti tagħhom. Esperti tal-industrija Is-serħan tal-moħħ it-taħriġ isostni d-diliġenza dovuta tagħhom. Jissodisfa r-rekwiżiti ta ‘Malta Biex tiddiskuti l-bżonnijiet individwali tiegħek jekk jogħġbok ċempel +356 99 70 85 74

Training Solutions
Paul R Salmon can arrange tailor made training packages to suit your workforce from one person upwards. You can be rest assured that our training will be delivered by industry experts with several years teaching and subject knowledge.
Our course staff have a vast range of skills including quality assurance and customer services. Your training will be fully regulated by a UK regulating awarding office, so quality is assured throughout.
To view a vast range of training and development, please go to our course training directory or click here.
Our customer care team is available to help you with your training needs from 9 am to 7 pm Malta time. +356 99 70 85 74
Soluzzjonijiet ta 'Taħriġ
Paul R Salmon jista ‘jirranġa pakketti ta’ taħriġ magħmula apposta biex jaqdu l-ħaddiema tiegħek minn persuna ‘l fuq. Tista ‘sserraħ rasek li t-taħriġ tagħna se jingħata minn esperti tal-industrija b’diversi snin jgħallmu u jagħrfu s-suġġett. L-istaff tal-kors tagħna għandu firxa vasta ta ‘ħiliet inklużi assigurazzjoni tal-kwalità u servizzi tal-konsumatur. It-taħriġ tiegħek se jkun kompletament regolat minn uffiċċju tar-Renju Unit li jirregola l-għoti, u għalhekk il-kwalità hija żgurata madwar. Biex tara firxa vasta ta ‘taħriġ u żvilupp, jekk jogħġbok mur fid-direttorju tat-taħriġ tal-kors tagħna jew ikklikkja hawn. It-tim tal-customer care tagħna huwa disponibbli biex jgħinek fil-bżonnijiet ta ‘taħriġ tiegħek mid-9 am sas-7 pm ħin ta’ Malta. +356 99 70 85 74

Certificate Qualifications
If you are a training provider like Paul R salmon, then contact us to discuss how we can help increase your qualifications portfolio and business income.
We work with a examination office in England call Professional Training and development Qualifications (PTDQ) and we have an arrange with the directors and CEO that we can development new centres. Paul R Salmon has very experienced external quality assurance staff that have accredited and developed thousands of centres throughout the UK. We can assist you with centre development and compliance and growing your business.
Over 50 qualifications are available on the PTDQ website, please visit the website for more details.
Our customer care team is available to help you with your training needs from 9 am to 7 pm Malta time. +356 99 70 85 74
Kwalifiki taċ-Ċertifikat
Jekk inti fornitur tat-taħriġ bħal Paul R salamun, imbagħad ikkuntattjana biex niddiskutu kif nistgħu ngħinu nżidu l-portafoll tal-kwalifiki tiegħek u d-dħul tan-negozju. Aħna naħdmu ma ‘uffiċċju tal-eżamijiet fl-Ingilterra ċemplu Taħriġ Professjonali u Kwalifiki għall-iżvilupp (PTDQ) u għandna tirranġa mad-diretturi u s-CEO li nistgħu niżviluppaw ċentri ġodda. Paul R Salmon għandu persunal estern ta ‘assigurazzjoni tal-kwalità b’esperjenza kbira li akkreditaw u żviluppaw eluf ta’ ċentri madwar ir-Renju Unit. Nistgħu ngħinuk fl-iżvilupp u l-konformità taċ-ċentru u nkabbru n-negozju tiegħek. Iktar minn 50 kwalifika huma disponibbli fuq il-websajt tal-PTDQ, jekk jogħġbok żur il-websajt għal aktar dettalji. It-tim tal-customer care tagħna huwa disponibbli biex jgħinek fil-bżonnijiet ta ‘taħriġ tiegħek mid-9 am sas-7 pm ħin ta’ Malta. +356 99 70 85 74

Regulated Training Qualifications
Our professional external regulated qualifications can be taken face to face or remote learning. Training programmes are delivered by tutors that hold a Level 5 Diploma in Education & Training and are full members of eth Society of Education & Training (MSET). Tutors are industry experts from England with a wealth of experience. Programmes have been designed to make sure you succeed.
The professional programmes will support your business in training staff and able you to gain the confidence and expertise to deliver you training inhouse saving you money and increasing the quality of training and ability of you workforce to provide excellent customer services and quality assurance.
IOSH Safety Training Course
We are a fully accredited IOSH Training Organisation and have expert trainings that are Grad IOSH members delivering the training. These courses can be delivered face to face or online via our Teams training platform.
Our accredited IOSH Courses include the following:
IOSH Managing Safety (3 Days) for managers and supervisors.
IOSH Working safety (1 day) for all employees.
IOSH Construction Safety for Employees (1 day) this is a mandatory qualification prior to entering a building site to work in England.
Professional First Aid Trainer
This professional qualification covers all aspects of planning learning, delivering learning, assessing learning and after quality assurance. The training is over 1 to 3 days depending on the individuals needs and can incorporate some remote distance learning, either self-study or meeting software face to face.
To attend this course, we require a recognised first aid certificate or exemption. On completion the successful applicant will be able to deliver first aid courses and be certificated under PTDQ.
The Professional First Aid Trainer is full regulated by Professional Training & Development Qualifications (PTDQ), an independent UK based regulated of professional qualifications –
Swimming Pool Responder Trainer
This professional qualification covers all aspects of planning learning, delivering learning, assessing learning and after quality assurance. The training is over 1 to 3 days depending on the individuals needs and can incorporate some remote distance learning, either self-study or meeting software face to face.
To attend this course, we require a recognised Swimming Pool rescue Test including Pool Emergency Responder or Pool Lifeguard Certificate or exemption. On completion the successful applicant will be able to deliver Pool Responder courses and be certificated under PTDQ.
The Professional First Aid Trainer is full regulated by Professional Training & Development Qualifications (PTDQ), an independent UK based regulated of professional qualifications –
Royal Lifesaving Society (RLSS) have a similar course over 4 days, if you prefer this option please contact us.
Food Safety & Hygiene Trainer
This professional qualification covers all aspects of planning learning, delivering learning, assessing learning and after quality assurance. The training is over 1 to 3 days depending on the individuals needs and can incorporate some remote distance learning, either self-study or meeting software face to face.
To attend this course, we require a recognised Food Safety certificate or exemption. On completion the successful applicant will be able to deliver Food Safety & Hygiene courses and be certificated under PTDQ.
The Professional First Aid Trainer is full regulated by Professional Training & Development Qualifications (PTDQ), an independent UK based regulated of professional qualifications –
Royal Lifesaving Society (RLSS) have a similar course over 4 days, if you prefer this option please contact us.
Mental Health First Aid Trainer
This professional qualification covers all aspects of planning learning, delivering learning, assessing learning and after quality assurance. The training is over 1 to 3 days depending on the individuals needs and can incorporate some remote distance learning, either self-study or meeting software face to face.
To attend this course, we require a recognised Mental Health First Aid Certificate or exemption. On completion the successful applicant will be able to deliver Mental Health First Aid courses and be certificated under PTDQ.
The Professional First Aid Trainer is full regulated by Professional Training & Development Qualifications (PTDQ), an independent UK based regulated of professional qualifications –
Level 3 Award in Education & Training
The purpose of this Level 3 Award in Education and Training is to provide the learner with the skills, knowledge and understanding in the teaching profession. The introduction gives an insight into the roles, responsibilities and relationships in education and training, how to plan and deliver teaching sessions and how to assess and give constructive feedback. Fully regulated and certification by an Ofqual, examination board in England.
Level 4 Internal Quality Assurer
The Level 4 Award in Understanding the Internal Quality Assurance of Assessment Processes and Practice is a theoretical qualification intended for those who wish to gain an understanding of the principles and practices of internal quality assurance without any requirement to practice.
Fully regulated and certification by an Ofqual, examination board in England.
Level 5 Diploma in Education & Training
Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training provides aspiring teachers with the knowledge, understanding and skills relating to wider professional practice in education and training.
This qualification includes understanding professionalism and professional values in education and training, the policy context of education and training and the impact of being accountable to stakeholders and external bodies. This includes the organisational context of education and training and also includes understanding and contributing to the quality improvement and quality assurance arrangements of an organisation.
The Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training can support progression into employment as a
teacher or trainer and support further learning opportunities including, Bachelor of Arts (BA) or
Bachelor of Science (BSc) with Qualified Teacher Status (QTS). Fully regulated and certification by an Ofqual, examination board in England.
Free PTDQ Regulated Centre
Special Offer – Free PTDQ centre when you purchase one of our trainers’ packages. No annual centre fees, just pay for your certificates, with no minimum spend.
- First Aid
- Health & Safety
- Food Safety
- Manual Handling
- Fire Safety
- Swimming Pool Emergency Rescue
Only 5 Euros per E-Cert