Train the Trainer London 

Welcome to our Train the Trainer London Courses, Fully Regulated by PTDQ

Next Train The Trainer Courses

UK First Aid and Safety Training

2t to 31 March 23 - Wembley, London

Course is Now Full 

UK First Aid and Safety Training

22 to 26 May 23 - Harrow , London

On Sale Now – Limited Spaces Left 

UK First Aid and Safety Training

Workplace Trainer Programme Synopsis

On conclusion of this programme, learners will come away with a Ofqual Accredited Level 3 Education and training Award and be able to train and assess learners in the following:

  • PTDQ First Aid Trainer Qualification
  • PTDQ Health and Safety Trainer (includes Fire Safety, Manual Handling)
  • PTDQ Food Safety Training

You can deliver the courses once licenced by PTDQ,  for your own workplace and other companies, induvial and organisations. Flexible learning and delivery methods available throughout.

About the Workplace Train the Trainer Programme

Programme Duration: 

5 Days, 40 hours contact with tutor and some self-study time depending on progress during the course.

Full Course Programme Timetable:  5 days approx. 09 am to 6 pm

Day 1 and Day 2 – Training for the Level 3 Award Education and training

Day 3 – First Aid trainers Module

Day 4 – Health and Safety module

Day 5 – Food Safety module (am) and Assessments (PM)


individual Programmes Timetable for Attendance:

PTDQ First Aid Trainer Qualification

(4 days):  days 1, 2, 3, 5 (PM)

PTDQ Health and Safety Trainer (includes Fire Safety & Manual handling)

(4 Days):  days 1, 2, 4, 5 (PM)

PTDQ Food Safety Trainer

(3 Day):  days 1, 2, 5

Recognition of prior Learning:

Learners with a recognised teaching qualification do not need to attend the first 2 days of the training.


Prerequisites for Attendance:

  • Learners need to be 19 years of age or over as Ofqual Level 3 Award Education and Training Requirement.
  • A recognised First Aid at Work qualification
  • Food Safety or Health and safety knowledge and qualifications at level 2.

Why Our Train the Trainer Programme is Very different to our competitors:

  1. PTDQ / UK First Aid and Safety training make sure you have an expert, who is fully qualified, and an industry specialises.

  2. Our qualifications are fully regulated and meets any requirements set for example HSE selecting a training provider.

  3. We include the Ofqual accredited Level 3 award in Education and Training, so you will be qualified to train course, some just do basic or bespoke training.

  4. We have less on a course to give you more individual support, plus you will be allocated a mentor that will help you succeed at every step.

  5. First class resources and easy administration systems. The training programme has been expertly designed to meet you needs.

Our next Workplace Train the Trainer Course 

UK First Aid and Safety Training

20 to 24 March 23

Wembley, London 

Course is Now Full 
UK First Aid and Safety Training

22 to 26 May 23

Harrow, London 

Book Now – Limited Spaces Avalible 

UK First Aid and Safety Training

26 to 30 June 23

Harrow, London 

Book Now –  Spaces Avalible
(Last Course Before Price Increase) 

Comprehensive Course package Fees

We will not be beaten on course price or quality, if you find the same quality at the same price or cheaper, its FREE on us, see our best price guarantee.